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Spirit-Ed™ Events presents - The book launch of ...

"I Give You Hope"

Learn to love yourself no matter what trauma you have endured. 

About this eventPlease join us in honour of author Carol Lawes

At the Laidley Cultural Centre 28th May 3.00pm -5.00pm (then light refreshments at 5.30pm)

Normal price tickets - $25.00 which gives you a copy of “I Give You Hope”or just come and enjoy the afternoon.

Special VIP Tickets – $45.00 (Available to the first 25 guests) - All inclusive

Special front seating, a special Gift bag, with a signed copy of “I Give You Hope” 

A beautiful mug as a memento with the logo “I Give you Hope” 

A Bottle of exclusive Hope Essential Oil”

A glass of Champagne on Arrival 

A chance to meet the “Honorable Local Mayor “Tanya Milligan”

Come and enjoy this wonderful afternoon, learn how Carol shares some of her journey of how she overcome her many traumas, but was able to put together her story in a book. “I Give You Hope” describes how a young child adopted, then went on through a life full of twists and turns and every piece of trauma you could imagine.“I Give you Hope" takes you through that journey!

Carol explains how she went through one struggle, only to face another and the decisions she made and the strengths she gained to come through it all. 

Following the words of her Mum, “Make Every Day a Winner” and “There Is no such word as can’t”.

A heartwarming story, that not only give’s you Hope! – but will bring you out the other side, digging deep and giving you strength you didn’t know you had.

Follow Carol's adventures here

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2022 Leanne James - Lotus Energies™ and Spirit-Ed™

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